The WILD TONIC® story begins with an artist and her passion for innovation and creativity. Painter, Holly Lyman, worked with beeswax, an ancient medium known as encaustic, for many years until she discovered the art of fermentation. One day, her love of painting with beeswax transformed into working with honey, another labor of love created by the bees. As with many creative endeavors that sometimes spill into other forms of expression, Holly unexpectedly found herself fascinated with a rare ferment known as Jun. She brewed with this living culture day after day until several years and brew experiments later,
WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha was born!


Today, the vision of creativity and innovation continues to influence the choices we make as a company by bringing together a like-minded group of individuals that embrace change and growth and have a desire to make the world a better place. The WILD TONIC® team is not only dedicated to creating and sharing this innovative ferment with the world,  but also to being proactive in the community and to bring awareness to bee conservation! There is a common thread of health, joy and vitality that unites the people and our mission.

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